GCHB Lace's Goddess Of No Hair-A@K&L BCAT TKI DJ NA NAJ NF RATN CGCA AOM×3 AHTCA Versatility Award
Juno-foundation of my AHTs now RETIREDa
Sire: CH Miracle's Rise From The Ashes BN RN DS DJA Dam: CH Lace Gaffes Return To Sender CHIC #131351 Female Hips Excellent/ Cardiac Normal/Patellas Normal/ LCP Normal/ Bile Acid Normal/Elbows Normal/ Hearing Normal/PRA Clear/ DM Carrier/ PLL Clear Stats: 9 AKC Terrier group placements 2017 #13 Breed, #3 All Breed, #4 OH 2018 #9 Breed, #8 All Breed, #4 OH Juno is my constant companion, and definitely one of my heart dogs. She is the foundation for my breeding program. I don't know if I will ever have another just like her, but I can say she has produced some puppies with great personalities and conformation. So far she has 7 champion get and several others on their way. |
GCH Inspired's Netflix Now Streaking TKI CA ACT1 VSWB RATN
NetflixSire: GCHB Sirius Andros Pretty Boy Floyd RI CA BCAT Dam: GCHB Lace's Goddess of No Hair-A@K&L BCAT RATN TKI DJ Health Testing Hearing Normal/ Clear on everything through Embark/ Bile Acid Normal/Patellas normal/Hips Excellent/Elbows normal/ LCP normal/Eyes normal 2023 Stats: 2 Terrier Group placements BOS/Best Bred By at the AKC National Championship in Orlando/ 2019 top 10 Owner Handled My Flixy boy has followed in his mother's footsteps by making waves in whatever we try. He is a huge flirt with absolutely everyone he meets(including our pig), but he does hold it together while we are doing agility. I absolutely love this boy! |
CH Sundial's Shop Naked At Inspired TKN VSWB RATN
EtsySire: GCH KVK Black Ice
Dam: GCH Sundial Echo of Paradox Health Testing: Patellas Normal, Heart Normal, Eyes Normal, Embark Clear, Hearing Normal, Bile Acid Normal Ranges Etsy is a funny girl that at times we call Eeyore for the pitiful looks she gives and then just like that she can become the crazy shark dog zooming around the house. She will do absolutely anything for food, and is works well for anyone. Her absolute favorite thing to do is jump into your arms when you aren't expecting it(many regrets on teaching her to jump into my arms). |
GCHB Inspired A Little Something Extra DCAT CA CGC TKI FDC VSWB AHTCA Versatility Award
Sire: GCH KVK Black Ice (Grant)
Dam: GCHB Lace's Goddess of No Hair-A@K&L RATN TKI BCAT DJ (Juno)
Health Testing:
Bile Acid: post 21.6
BAER: Normal
DM carrier and clear of all other genetic disease through Embark
Patella: Normal
Eyes: Normal
Heart: Normal
Elbows: Normal
LCP: Normal
Hips: Good
CHIC: 187421
Stats/Brags:2021 AHTCA National Specialty Best of Breed Puppy Sweeps,2022 AHT Owner Handler Top 10, 2022 Best of Breed and Best Bred By at the AKC National Championship
Extra is from my 2020 Grant x Juno litter. Her name has always fit her and there has always been a little something extra in this pup. I just adore her, and she has me trained well. I'm so proud to say that her and her brother went Best of Breed and Best of Opposite Sex in the Puppy Sweeps at the 2021 American Hairless Terrier National Specialty. She will soon be making her debut in the Specials ring so watch for her in upcoming shows!
Sire: GCH KVK Black Ice (Grant)
Dam: GCHB Lace's Goddess of No Hair-A@K&L RATN TKI BCAT DJ (Juno)
Health Testing:
Bile Acid: post 21.6
BAER: Normal
DM carrier and clear of all other genetic disease through Embark
Patella: Normal
Eyes: Normal
Heart: Normal
Elbows: Normal
LCP: Normal
Hips: Good
CHIC: 187421
Stats/Brags:2021 AHTCA National Specialty Best of Breed Puppy Sweeps,2022 AHT Owner Handler Top 10, 2022 Best of Breed and Best Bred By at the AKC National Championship
Extra is from my 2020 Grant x Juno litter. Her name has always fit her and there has always been a little something extra in this pup. I just adore her, and she has me trained well. I'm so proud to say that her and her brother went Best of Breed and Best of Opposite Sex in the Puppy Sweeps at the 2021 American Hairless Terrier National Specialty. She will soon be making her debut in the Specials ring so watch for her in upcoming shows!
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Int. CH AKC GCH Rensai Inspired Feel My Impact TKN BCAT FDC RATN ATT

Richter aka Ricky Bobby
Sire: GCH Inspired Netflix Now Streaking TKI ACT1 CA VSWB
Dam: GCHB Floridays Song of The Sea RN NA NAJ CAA FCAT ACT1 DJ TKI
Health Testing:
Eyes: Normal
DM Carrier Embark Clear on all other genetic diseases
Cardiac: Normal
Patellas: Normal
Stats/Brags: AHTCA 2022 National Best of Breed Puppy Sweeps
Though his name is Richter he mainly goes by Ricky Bobby. I expect big things from this boy, and don't think he will disappoint. He is my first Juno Grandpup to own, and I just adore him. Thank you so much to Rensai kennels for bringing your Siren to Netflix, and letting this boy live the Inspired life.
Sire: GCH Inspired Netflix Now Streaking TKI ACT1 CA VSWB
Dam: GCHB Floridays Song of The Sea RN NA NAJ CAA FCAT ACT1 DJ TKI
Health Testing:
Eyes: Normal
DM Carrier Embark Clear on all other genetic diseases
Cardiac: Normal
Patellas: Normal
Stats/Brags: AHTCA 2022 National Best of Breed Puppy Sweeps
Though his name is Richter he mainly goes by Ricky Bobby. I expect big things from this boy, and don't think he will disappoint. He is my first Juno Grandpup to own, and I just adore him. Thank you so much to Rensai kennels for bringing your Siren to Netflix, and letting this boy live the Inspired life.
CH Inspired I DeClara I'm Hair-A TKN SIN SCN SBN VSWB

Sire: CH Sundial Imagine My Suprise (Angus)
Dam: GCHB Lace's Goddess of No Hair-A@K&L RATN TKI BCAT DJ (Juno)
Health Testing
BAER Hearing: Normal
DM Carrier Embark Clear for all other genetic diseases
Hips: Excellent
Patellas: Normal
Bile Acid: Normal
Cardiac: Normal
Clarabelle is from my "Cow" litter, and yes, she is an American Hairless Terrier just a Coated. The AHT comes in both the hairless and coated, and both are to be judged equally in the ring.
This girl finished her AKC championship in style going Best of Breed out of the classes over a nice ring of specials for a 5 point major. Judge Merle Taylor was very impressed with this girl, and was sure to tell us in the line up. Thank you Judge Taylor!!! We love her too!
Sire: CH Sundial Imagine My Suprise (Angus)
Dam: GCHB Lace's Goddess of No Hair-A@K&L RATN TKI BCAT DJ (Juno)
Health Testing
BAER Hearing: Normal
DM Carrier Embark Clear for all other genetic diseases
Hips: Excellent
Patellas: Normal
Bile Acid: Normal
Cardiac: Normal
Clarabelle is from my "Cow" litter, and yes, she is an American Hairless Terrier just a Coated. The AHT comes in both the hairless and coated, and both are to be judged equally in the ring.
This girl finished her AKC championship in style going Best of Breed out of the classes over a nice ring of specials for a 5 point major. Judge Merle Taylor was very impressed with this girl, and was sure to tell us in the line up. Thank you Judge Taylor!!! We love her too!
GCH Inspired Everything is Awesome! TKN RATN

Sire:GCHB DreamEyce Sundial Rain Catcher BCAT FITB AOMx2 (Sousa)
Dam: GCHB Inspired A Little Something Extra DCAT CA CGC TKI FDC VSWB AHTCA versatility award (Extra)
Health Testing:
BAER: Normal
DM carrier
Bile Acid: Normal
Awesome is from my Sousa x Extra "Adjectives" litter. She has been nothing but awesome!!! This baby finished quick, and two of her wins were Best of Breed from the classes against beautiful specials. She has a ton of food and toy drive, and she can't wait until she is old enough to do everything.
Sire:GCHB DreamEyce Sundial Rain Catcher BCAT FITB AOMx2 (Sousa)
Dam: GCHB Inspired A Little Something Extra DCAT CA CGC TKI FDC VSWB AHTCA versatility award (Extra)
Health Testing:
BAER: Normal
DM carrier
Bile Acid: Normal
Awesome is from my Sousa x Extra "Adjectives" litter. She has been nothing but awesome!!! This baby finished quick, and two of her wins were Best of Breed from the classes against beautiful specials. She has a ton of food and toy drive, and she can't wait until she is old enough to do everything.